

Daniel Ruzzante


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Current Lab Members


Cait Nemeczek

Lab Manager

As a research associate in the lab my current role is primarily to manage and complete various aspects of the Atlantic halibut population genomics project. This involves DNA extractions, prepping samples for sequencing, metadata entry and database management. I also train and oversee undergraduate and graduate students in population genomic techniques such as whole genome sequencing and bioinformatic analyses. I joined the Ruzzante lab with years of prior experience as a lab technician with a background in fish population/conservation genetics. My current research interests are evolution/conservation genomics and specifically, the use of cutting-edge sequencing technology and techniques to help answer questions related to these interests.


Lisette Delgado

Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests are in the areas of population genetics, evolution, and conservation. Throughout my career, I have used different molecular approaches to answer questions about population diversity, structure, adaptation, and responses to environmental pressures of different organisms such as microbes, mammals, and fishes. My current project aims to increase our understanding of the Northern Cod (Gadus morhua), an important resource for Newfoundland and Labrador coastal communities, by integrating genomics and telemetry data. Using low-coverage whole genome sequencing, we first aim to understand the effects of the collapse on genomic diversity by comparing cod collections from the 1990s versus collections from the 2010s. Our second objective is to examine potential associations between genomic regions and cod movement. Ultimately this project aims to inform whether finer-scale spatial fisheries management may be applied to the stock. | ResearchGate


James Kho

Ph.D. Candidate

Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring) is increasingly being regarded as a model species for population dynamics studies of marine fishes. In fact, some of the main population concepts in marine fishes like member/vagrant hypothesis or dynamic balance concept have been proposed and refined due to herring studies. My Ph.D project will investigate various aspects related to local adaptation in the herring metapopulation of Northwest Atlantic from the DNA level (testing stability of genetic differences across cohorts and estimating recent changes in effective size), to the gene level (epigenetics between spawning time), and all the way to the phenotypic level (common garden on photoperiodicity). Findings from these studies are crucial to better understanding of local population dynamics by providing the missing link between genetic data and phenotypic data. | ResearchGate


Ellie Weise

Ph.D. Candidate

My research here at the Ruzzante lab is focused on the creation of a close-kin mark-recapture framework to estimate the total abundance of the Atlantic Halibut population on the Scotian Shelf and Southern Grand Banks. To assist in our data collection, we developed a 4,000 SNP microarray including sex-determining markers and an epigenetic aging clock, so we can non-lethally and retroactively estimate sex and age for an individual. Our goal is to provide an independent assessment of the Atlantic Halibut population to be compared and potentially integrated into the current stock assessment framework. | ResearchGate


Clare Frymire

Honours Student

I am an undergraduate honours student developing a methylation clock to estimate the age of brook trout. My main research interests include evolutionary processes of fish and marine organisms as well as the use of genomic tools to aid in conservation.

Past Lab Members

PhD Students

MSc Students

Post-Doctoral Fellows

  • Berenice Trovant (2015 - 2017)
  • Denis Roy (PhD 2006)
  • Merel Dalebout (Killam Post Doc) (2003 -2005) Current position: Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia e-mail: (
  • Daniel Gomez-Uchida (2006 - 2009) Current position: School of Fisheries, University of Washington. e-mail: (
  • Juan Pablo Barriga (2007 - 2008)
  • David Hardie (2008 - 2009) email: (

Honours Students

  • 2023 - Meg Smith
  • 2022 - Christopher Corriveau
  • 2020 - Chantelle Clermont
  • 2020 - Krysten Tymoshuk
  • 2019 - Sam Prystupa
  • 2018 - Quentin Kerr
  • 2018 - Annie Simons
  • 2018 - Daniela Notte
  • 2017 - Connor Booker
  • 2015 - Hilary Brewis
  • 2014 - Livia Anthes
  • 2014 - Samantha Parmelee
  • 2011 - Kristen Hill
  • 2007 - Kathryn Dunphy
  • 2007 - Emily Adams
  • 2005 - Alondramaria Garcia-Revilla
  • 2005 - Christina Jones
  • 2004 - Raelene Ward

Research Associates and Technicians

  • Mallory Van Wyngaarden (Apr 2021 – Dec 2022)
  • Gregory McCracken - Research Associate (2012 - 2021)
  • Abby van der Jagt (2008 - April 2012)
  • Heather Schnore, student technician (January - April 2011)
  • Sarah Sampson Co-Op student (May 2010- August 2010)
  • Sarah Reid-Holland (March 2009 - February 2010)
  • Erica Newton (January 2009 - April 2009)
  • Trina Peters (October 2007 - March 2008)
  • Aimie Lee Houde, Co-Op student (January - April 2006)
  • Colin Davis, Technician (January - June 2005)
  • Jake Seibert, Molecular Technician

Visiting Scientists

  • 2018 - Mailén E. Lallement, Current Position, CONICET Postdoctoral fellow in INIBIOMA, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, S.C de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina
  • 2005 - Raquel Fernandez-Cebrian, Current Position, PhD student, Universidad de Girona, Spain
  • 2005 - Klara Jakobsdottir, Current Position: PhD student, Marine Research Institute (MRI) University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 2005 - Dr Christophe Pampouli, Research Scientist, Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland (
  • 2004 - Hanne Jorgensen - Current position: Postdoctoral fellow, University of Aarhus, Denmark (
  • 2003 - Dorte Bekkevold - Current position: Senior Research Scientist (Technical University of Denmark, Danish Institute for Fisheries Research